List of Legend Entertainment games
Unreal II: The AwakeningFPSFeb 3, 200302/03/2003Unreal Mission Pack 1: Return to Na PaliFPSMay 31, 199905/31/1999Robert Jordan's The Wheel of TimeactionFeb 11, 199802/11/1998Star Control 3cosmo-sim199612/30/1996Superhero League of Hobokenadventure / RPG199412/30/1994Companions of Xanthadventure199312/30/1993Timequestquest199112/30/1991
Here you can see a list of video games, developed or published by Legend Entertainment. It may not contain some titles, but we constantly updating our database to make it as complete as possible. If you have any information about other games, developed or published by Legend Entertainment, feel free to contact us.