Games for Acorn 32-bit
Sort:popularity release name
Wolfenstein 3D+6 plt.FPSMay 5, 199205/05/1992Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of LoyaltyRPG / TBS199712/30/1997Simon the Sorcerer+4 plt.adventure / questJan 2, 199301/02/1993Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty+1 plt.RTSJan 1, 199201/01/1992SimCity 2000+11 of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars+1 plt.RPG / TBSOct 1, 199610/01/1996Alone in the Dark (1992)+4 plt.adventure199212/30/1992Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe+10 plt.action / sportNov 199011/30/1990Ankh: The Tales of Mysteryadventure199812/30/1998