Games for MSX
Sort:popularity release name
Contra+9 plt.shoot 'em upFeb 20, 198702/20/1987Lancelot+7 plt.quest198812/30/1988Pac-Man+24 plt.arcadeMar 22, 198003/22/1980Metal Gear+9 plt.adventure / stealthJul 7, 198707/07/1987Lode Runner+20 plt.platformer / puzzle, logicOct 30, 198310/30/1983Boulder Dash+15 plt.arcade / puzzle, logicOct 198410/30/1984OutRun+12 plt.arcade / racingSep 25, 198609/25/1986Dragon Warrior II+8 plt.jRPGJan 26, 198701/26/1987Galaxian+10 plt.arcade / shoot 'em upOct 197910/30/1979Heroes of the Lance+10 plt.action / RPGNov 198811/30/1988Tetris+6 plt.puzzle, logic198612/30/1986Double Dragon II: The Revenge+15 plt.beat 'em upDec 198812/01/1988Final Fantasy+13 plt.jRPGDec 17, 198712/17/1987Dragon Warrior+8 plt.jRPGMay 27, 198605/27/1986BatmanactionMar 30, 198603/30/1986Gauntlet+10 plt.hack & slash198512/30/1985Sorcerian+7 plt.jRPGDec 198712/30/1987Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge+3 plt.arcade / puzzle, logic198512/30/1985Camelot Warriors+1 plt.platformer198512/30/1985Commando+16 plt.shoot 'em upMay 198505/30/1985Batman: The Movie+4 plt.action198912/30/1989Romancia: Dragon Slayer Jr.+3 plt.platformerOct 6, 198610/06/1986SD Gundam World: Gachapon Senshi 2 - Capsule Senkiaction / TBSJun 25, 198906/25/1989Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake+6 plt.stealthJul 20, 199007/20/1990Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes+6 plt.jRPGDec 10, 198912/10/1989The Duel: Test Drive II+8 plt.autosim / racing198912/30/1989Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game+9 plt.platformer198912/30/1989Laser Squad+5 plt.tactics / TBS198812/30/1988Ys: The Vanished Omens+6 plt.jRPGJun 21, 198706/21/1987Spelunker+5 plt.platformer / puzzle, logic198312/30/1983Thexder+8 plt.shoot 'em upApr 198504/30/1985Championship Lode Runner+5 plt.platformer / puzzle, logic198412/30/1984Donkey Kong+12 plt.platformerJul 9, 198107/09/1981Alien Syndrome+9 plt.shoot 'em up198612/30/1986Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World+10 plt.RPG198812/30/1988Galaga+13 plt.arcade / shoot 'em upSep 198109/30/1981Time Pilot+2 plt.shoot 'em up198212/30/1982007: Licence to Kill+5 plt.action198912/30/1989Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second Contactshoot 'em upNov 198911/30/1989Gunship+8 plt.flight-sim198612/30/1986