New free Update 5 for DOOM adds Bots, New Mode and Echelon 11

December 8, 2016 by Alex Novichenko

DOOM development team continues to release free updates for the shooter, and this are the details for the fifth big patch. The first thing, bots were added to multiplayer – the thing many fans asked right from the moment of game release.

The next is level cap increase to Echelon 11, level 50. When you reach new top level, you will receive the DOOM Marine Armor as a reward for your efforts. This armor was also added to SnapMap with even more campaign elements. Lazarus Lab modules was also added to level up your creative skills even further.

And this is not all – Update 5 brings new multiplayer mode, called Infernal Run. This is a competitive team mode, in which they fight for control of (eye) ball, which must be carried or thrown into the opponent’s goal to score. The bloody sport game, if you ask me.

To celebrate these new additions, developers announced double XP in multiplayer till December 12 at 12pm ET. This is a great opportunity to get closer to the Echelon 11.

The other one thing this update do, is removing Denuvo on PC – now you can mod the game as much as you want.