Unveiling the Details of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

August 18, 2023 by Alex Novichenko

Activision has divulged information regarding the recently unveiled first-person shooter, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. The narrative of the game will center around the reunion of Task Force 141, commanded by Captain Price, as they strive to thwart the plans of Makarov. The developers characterize the campaign as having a "dark and gritty" atmosphere.

In addition to the series' customary linear missions, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III introduces a novel feature called "Open Combat Missions." These missions will complement the movie-like campaign by providing players with various avenues to accomplish objectives.

In the realm of multiplayer gameplay, the game will incorporate all 16 maps from the 2009 title Modern Warfare II, each of which will receive updates. Moreover, more than a dozen new 6v6 maps are scheduled to be introduced later on. A fresh "3v3v3" mode named "Cutthroat" will also make its debut in the multiplayer arena. Among several enhancements to the multiplayer experience, the Gunsmith system will integrate "After-Market" components to allow for greater customization, along with a new "Tac-Stance" aimed at enhancing close-quarter gun battles. Other improvements include the reintroduction of red dots on the minimap, map voting, quicker aiming down sights (ADS) after sliding, as well as the revival of reload-cancel and slide-cancel mechanics.

While the initial multiplayer content encompasses upgraded MW2 maps, the "Ground War" and "Invasion" modes will unveil four entirely new expansive combat maps.

For enthusiasts of the Zombies mode, Modern Warfare III will introduce the most expansive map thus far. Developed by Treyarch, the creators of the original Zombies mode, the storyline will delve into an otherworldly narrative known as Dark Aether within the framework of the Modern Warfare universe.

Modern Warfare III is slated for release on November 10 across multiple platforms including PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. Players who pre-order will enjoy a one-week head start in accessing the campaign and the upcoming multiplayer beta. While initial access to the beta will be granted to PlayStation users, it will eventually become available on all platforms, irrespective of pre-order status.